Monday, January 10, 2011

I realized today

I have the best extended family anyone could ever ask for. I have the best mom in the world who raised me through it all. My nana who always spoiled me, even when I didn't deserve it. My Grampy for always trying to teach me and broaden my mind. My auntie beth and uncle pat for always being there for me, and teaching me about video games :). My uncle sal, uncle chris, and Julia for always making the family holidays more fun. To Jeffrey for opening my eyes to new art and literature that still is a huge part of my life.
My aunt Patricia and cousin Kristina for being suck good people, and always being great to me- even when I am sometimes not the best. My granny for being the sweetest and most loving person I have ever known. To my papa- where ever he is for making me smile and always loving me.

Why do I go through this to thank everyone you ask? Well today I did a lot of thinking about my real father and how his presence in my life, even when married to my mother, was never there. At first it made me sad, and I spent a lot of my day upset. I felt left out, like I didn't matter as much, or like my two step brothers got more of a family. That is until I realized all the people I named above have been so good to me and loved me so much that I haven't missed a single thing. I am the luckiest girl in the entire world.

Not only have all these wonderful people grace my life- I have a boyfriend who loves me and supports me. I am happier every morning because I know he is there.

And you know what I am a fun loving, artistic, beautiful girl who will keep smiling. Because I haven't missed out by losing my father. He missed out- because he lost me. And I can't be replaced.