Recently life is throwing me curve balls I can't hit. I am just swinging and missing over and over until frustration takes over and a burst into an emotional maelstrom. I feel completely out of control. It is one of those times I need one thing to go right, but one thing. If that job had come through, and David from David's Hotdogs had not lied. (by the way I am NEVER going there again). He seriously asked me to give leave on my other job to work for him just to tell me he wasn't using me- three days before I was to start work. So as you can imagine I am a little crushed. If my school didn't require a $2000 down-payment that cannot be covered by student loans. If my car wasn't making noises when it turned on. If my parents weren't arguing and broke. If I could just call the one person I want to talk to without getting him in trouble or being worried I would get yelled at... '
If one thing were going right it may be a lot easier. But all of these things are happening at once- and I am sorry I am not amazing. I can't stand all the pressure at once and it crushing me. I need one thing to go right. Just one- that is all I am asking. But guess what that isn't gonna happen for a while. So if I seem like I am miserable- I apologize.
Right now, things are awful.